Friday 11 July 2008

Round robin stylings

zzwhitejd had a good question. There are an odd number of participants so the swap is "round robin" or “a->b->c”.
Your assigned partner is downstream or your spoilee and your upstream partner is your spoiler and unknown to you until revealed...
MrsNiddyNoddy and I talked (about round robin vs. partner to partner) off Ravelry and I wasn't thinking about how that bit of info might be "good to know". I hope I didn't confuse anyone : D

1 comment:

Anne said...

Don't feel you have to remain anonymous. I have already 'come clean' to my downstream partner - I decided that with an issue such as gluten-free food, I feel safer knowing who I'm receiving from, and wanted to pass that feeling of security on to my downstream partner too. But that is my personal choice - no-one is going to insist on either anonymity or early revelation.